by LotwinGuru
14. June 2008 11:03
There were four obvious filters that had to be followed for last night's draw: Odd-Even, Low-High, Consecutive, and Width of Line
Setting just 2-3 correct reduced the lines to one third of the total:
And then I had to pick some numbers so I can reduce the number of lines to cover the number of LotWin users that take part in the free syndicate. I don't need to mention again that as I promised I will create enough free entries to cover anyone that wants to participate. The more of you that pick up your free entries the more entries we will have to play with.
The 2 numbers that I did not pick and came up were: 13 (on Friday the 13th) and 37. The bonus number that I did not pick was 9 as it had come up on the last draw but I was almost certain for 1 coming up and I combined it with 4, 6 and 7. These will be good candidates for the next draws.
But LotWin didn't let us down. With just 3 correct numbers and 794,000 lines to start with, combined with 2-3 correct filter categories produced an 'Optimum Reduction' for 2 correct (Max Returns) of just 9 lines and the second (2nd) line in order of coverage (68.21%) had 2 correct numbers and the bonus.
Those of you that had chosen the first set will see it in your entries.
Below are some of the filters that I considered but didn't pick repeated (blue) for a fourth (4th) time:
Next week the jackpot for Euromillions is $65,000,000 - $70,000,000 so do forget your free entries.
LotWin Guru