Welcome to LotWin Guru's Lottery Blog

by LotwinGuru 21. February 2008 12:01

Welcome to LotWin Guru's Portal.

My name is LotWin Guru (The).

I will show you ways to play to win the lottery that you have never imagined.

The 'teachings' are based on the lottery software 'LotWin Lottery Line Builder'. You can get a copy from here.

I know you've been trying to win the lottery for sometime now. But it is not easy is it?

You have 2 options:

  1. Give up and never play again. This is the best option and it is strongly suggested. You have not won all this time, haven't even come close, so why do you bother? Save the money for a summer vacation, a week in Florida, 3 star hotel, communal swimming pool, all meals included.
  2. Read, learn, apply. Not an easy task. Needs time, effort, control. Not a 9-5 job. Rewards? Depends; what is it you are looking for? Do you want to hurry to your destination or enjoy the journey? More...



About Lotwin Guru

LotWin Guru picI'm Lotwin Guru and this is my blog on how to play to win the lottery amongst other things.

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